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Vladyslav Feskov

Feskov A.M.教授代理孕母中心主任, 博士, 妇产科医师, 生殖学家, 遗传学家, 妇科的微创外科技术专家, УАРМ, ASRM, ESHRE团队

FHRG 主任医生

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25+ 刊物 2012 歲月 FHRG



在克莱蒙费朗CICE(Clermont-Ferrand CICE)外科内窥镜中心进行了实习,学习了治疗子宫内膜异位症、小骨盆器官微创手术以及诊断和手术宫腔镜技术的方法。

在以色列特拉维夫的Tel HaShomer Ibn-Sheba中心进行了实习和实践培训。在此期间,我研究了以色列医疗系统的模型。我获得了在卵胞发育促进方案的临床试验中的经验,特别是在随机周期下,协助生殖学家组织工作的经验,以及在处理激素依赖性肿瘤的卵泡刺激协议的实际应用。此外,我还参与了保护生育能力的患者管理工作,并在以色列医疗系统框架内进行了试管婴儿项目的工作。



是教授A.M. Feskov诊所实施的不育症保证治疗方案的理念灵感之一


  • 生殖遗传学
  • 单基因病预防
  • 不孕症治疗中的医疗服务分析
  • 试管婴儿质量控制实验室监控
  • 高龄试管婴儿技术实施实践
  • 提高高龄不孕治疗成功率
  • 孕代母亲质量管理与控制
  • 不孕症治疗
  • 与子宫内膜异位症和子宫腺肌症相关的不孕症治疗
  • 干细胞治疗
  • 卵巢早衰
  • 生殖伦理学,生物伦理学
  • 迈尔-洛基坦斯基综合征试管婴儿方案管理
  • 心理咨询在孕代母亲项目中的临床应用
  • 家庭和民事法律方面


  • Grabar V.V., Feskov V.A., Zhilkova E.S. Non-invasive prenatal genetic diagnosis of aneuploidy 47XYY using transcervical trophoblast cells Abstracts of the 27th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Stockholm, Sweden, 3-6 July 20011. – Р. i293
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskova I.A., Feskov A.M., Fedota А.M., Feskov V.A. Sperm DNA fragmentation as a factor of male low reproductive function in IVF practice International Journal of Biology, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2014, pp. 75-81
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Yegunkova O.V., Feskov V.A. In male infertility folate cycle genes variants associate with sperm aneuploidy and DNA fragmentation ESHRE 2016, ABSTRACT BOOK 2016 VOL 31, P. I 134 SUPP 1 , HUMAN REPRODUCTION
  • Somova E.V., Zhilkova E.S., Tischenko А.А., Feskov A.M., Ivanova А.V., Feskov V.A., Zozulina А.N. IVF outcomes and morphokinetics of embryos originating from testicular spermatozoa of men with follicle stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) gene polymorphism ESHRE 2016, ABSTRACT BOOK 2016 VOL 31, pp. I 159-160 SUPP 1 , HUMAN REPRODUCTION
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov V.A., Chumakova N.O., Іvanova А.V., Fedota O.M. Genetic study of obstructive and secretory form of azoospermia in males with reproductive disorders Actual problems of modern medicine - 2016. Vol. 16, Issue 4 (56), Part 2. - pp. 96-98
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov V.A., Somova E.V., Feskov А.M., Fedota O.M. The effect of DNA fragmentation in spermatozoa on the development of embryos during the use of assisted reproductive technologies. Ukrainian Journal of Medicine, Biology and Sports. - 2017. - Vol. 2, No. 4. - pp. 209-213
  • Feskov V.A. Duostim In ovarian endometriomas in ART programs (report) UARM Chernivtsi 25-27 May 2017
  • Somova E.V., Feskov V.A., Zhilkova E.S., Tishchenko A.A., Feskov A.M. The choice of the best embryo originating from spermatozoa of men with severe male factor infertility: morphokinetics and next-generation sequencing (NGS) results Hum.Reprod. - 2017. - Vol. 32, Supp. 1. - pp. i201-i202 Abstracts of the 33rd Annual Meeting of ESHRE, Geneva, Switzerland 2 to 5 July 2017.   P-140 , ESHRE 2017, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Feskov V.A., Tuchkina І.O., Blazhko E.V. Rehabilitation of reproductive function of women with ovarian endometriomas Plenum of the Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Ukraine and scientific and practical conference with international participation "Obstetrics, gynaecology and reproductive medicine: education, clinic, science"
  • Feskov А.M., Zhilkova E.S., Somova E.V., Feskov V.A. PGD-NGS in the practice of a reproductive specialist: mosaicism, aneuploidy, priorities and tactics (report) UARM Dnipro, 27-29 May 2018
  • Feskov V.A., Bezpechna І. M., Zozulina O.M., Chumakova N.O. Genetic screening. Consumerism and reality (report) UARM Dnipro, 27-29 May 2018
  • Feskov V.A., Blazhko E.V., Feskova І.А. Choosing the tactics of infertility treatment in endometriomas (report) UARM Dnipro, 27-29 May 2018
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskov V.A., Blazhko E.V. P-311 Peripheral blood mononuclear cells in IVF practice: 2 years experience Abstracts of the 34th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Barcelona, Spain 1 to 4 July 2018. (Hum. Reprod. - 2018. - Vol. 33, Suppl. 1. - P. i283 (Abstract book)
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Tischenko А.А., Feskov V.A., Blazhko E.V. Advanced maternal age and IVF results after Preimplantation Genetic Screening The 26th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Infertility (COGI), November 23-25, 2018 London, UK
  • Zhilkova E.S., Tischenko А.А., Feskov V.A., Feskov А.M., Fedota O.M. Influence of DNA fragmentation in spermatozoa on embryo development in in vitro fertilisation programs Actual problems of modern medicine. Issue I, 2018, pp. 38-42 (Publication based on the results of the conference of young scientists in 2017)
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov А.M., Feskov V.A., Yegunkova O.V., Zozulina O.M. Morphology of the blastocysts correlates with results of PGS. RBMOnline, 2019, Abstracts - 17th Annual International. Conference on Preimplantation Genetics, doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2019.03.053
  • Feskov А.M., Zhilkova E.S., Feskov V.A., Sotnik N.M., Rudenko V.А. Peculiarities of preimplantation genetic diagnosis of embryos obtained from men with severe spermatogenesis disorders Journal of Problems of Biology and Medicine. - 2019. - Issue 1, Vol. 2 (149). - pp. 234-237. DOI: 10.29254/2077-4214-2019-1-2-149-234-237
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov V.A., Bezpechna І.M., Yegunkova O.V., Feskov A.M. Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies in IVF in patients with Y chromosome AZF-c microdeletion The 6th World Congress Controversies in Genetics; Ovarian Club XIV, November 7-9, Paris, France, Program Book, Group B, Board 3 (Page 12)
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Feskov V.A., Blazhko E.V., Somova E.V. The intrauterine transfer of peripheral blood mononuclear cells improves implantation rates in IVF patients with repeated implantation failure when the euploid embryos are transferred IVF-Worldwide Online Congress in Reproductive Medicine, September 12-13, 2020: E-Abstract Book. – 2020. – P.16 (electronic poster 19)
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Tischenko А.А., Bezpechna І.M, Manzhai Yu., Zhilkova E.S., Feskov V.A. Can nuclear transfer improve ivf outcome in women with elevated follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) level GREM (Gynecological and Reproductive Endocinology & Metabolism): Book of abstracts of Gynecological Endocrinology the 19th World Congress. – 2020. - Vol. 1. - Suppl. 1. - pp. 466. (ISGE2-5 december 2020, electronic poster P151b)
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskov V.A., Somova E.V., Y. Zin, Yegunkova O.V. The intrauterus administration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells increase the pregnancy rates for the patients with advanced maternal age after single euploid embryo transfer Hum.Reprod. - 2021. - Vol. 36, Supp. 1. - P. i314 (P-390). Abstracts of the 37th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE 26 June-1 July 2021

